“I know we’re supposed to think big and mainstream. On the occasions I’ve tried to do that, I’ve realized I’m just about one-on-one; one person, one life, one relationship at a time to make it a better world.”
— Mollie Lowery
Housing Services
Scattered Site Housing
Provides effective, flexible, accessible, and comprehensive services so that tenants can sustain their housing, develop the skills to manage their own lives, and build the confidence and personal resources to invest in their individual futures and genuinely thrive in their home and community.
Single Site Housing
We forge partnerships with property developers to be the on-site provider of supportive services to tenants who were formerly experiencing chronic homelessness. We have partnered with WORKS (Women Organizing Resources Knowledge and Services), Brilliant Corners, RxLA, DMH (Department of Mental Health), DHS (Department of Health Services), ODR (Office of Diversion and Re-Entry), Housing for Health (HFH), Hollywood Community Housing, and more. Currently, Housing Works partners with nine housing sites where we are the lead provider for resident services for over 700 participants.
Our nine single site buildings are Young Burlington (specifically housing transitional aged youth), Teague Terrace, T. Bailey Manor, Palo Verde, 88th and Vermont, Florence Mills, Gramercy, Stanford, and Bungalow Gardens (specifically housing formerly incarcerated individuals).
Our tenth Single Site building, Aster Apartments, is opening up in Spring 2023.
MIST (Mobile Intergrated Services Team)
MIST assists chronically homeless individuals and families in locating Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) units acquired through our partnerships with non-profit housing developers and private landlords. Once housed, MIST provides comprehensive, supportive services to help new tenants sustain their housing. In addition, MIST provides housing retention and eviction prevention services to at-risk households.
The goals of MIST are to assist tenants to:
transition into their new home
stabilize and sustain their housing
engage and invest in their home and community
participate in building a safe, inclusive and healthy community
develop the personal skills, confidence, resilience and resources to manage their own lives and build a fulfilling future
identify and travel their individual path of recovery
link to neighborhood resources, services and activities thereby becoming a participating member of the larger community
Special Projects Team
Through our outreach and housing navigation services, Special Projects works with local medical providers throughout Los Angeles to connect with people experiencing homelessness who frequent hospitals in order to match them with housing. Housing Works currently works with Dignity Health through California Hospital. Special Projects is also participating in Cal AIM efforts, which is in collaboration with the following health providers- Kaiser Permanente, LA Care, Anthem Blue Cross, and Health Net.